If you are not actively looking for a Realtor in Naples Florida or a Realtor in Marco Island yet, you can still get an estimated value of your property now.
Many brokerages offer a Ball Park Estimate that is automatically calculated by a computer-based algorithm and sold comparables in your neighborhood. These automated valuations, however, cannot compare pictures of the comparables and the subject property or compare a location and include water views etc. Therefore these numbers will always come in low to not over promise anything to you.
We do not do that. We will take the time to perform a complete evaluation and pull all necessary information from city systems and other platforms to give you an accurate price based on facts and features, comparing all information at hand including any pictures, websites or other means where we can see the current condition of the property in case you cannot or do not want to give access to it at this time; but of course this service also entails us coming to your property if you wish!
In order to sell a home in Naples Florida or sell a condo in Marco Island, a well-priced home is key to generate interest and offers on your property!
This is a FREE Comparative Market Analysis and is a no-obligation service by us. Please provide the below information so we can get to work: